CHIMIREC's number one priority: secure our activities,
for people and for the environment
The waste management business inevitably places safety at the heart of CHIMIREC activities. On a day-to-day basis, it is an integral part of our commitments to social and environmental responsibility. The triple quality-safety-environment certification of all our French sites reflects the level of requirement of our involvement.
CHIMIREC makes every effort to ensure the safety of its facilities and production tools. This comprehensive approach has two essential objectives, on the one hand, to ensure the health and safety of its teams; on the other hand, to minimize the impact of its activities on the environment.
For all CHIMIREC sites, compliance with regulations
In France and abroad, CHIMIREC sites and services provided meet the same criteria of safety and quality.
Our Group applies the same regulatory obligations regardless of the location. If necessary, CHIMIREC applies additional requirements to comply with local regulations.
To ensure the best conditions for the operation of a new international site, CHIMIREC involves its French teams on site. Their mentoring mission allows locally hired staff to take ownership of CHIMIREC's technical know-how and to adopt good safety practices.
• Compliance with regulations (labour code, health, transport, single document).
• Compliance with contractual obligations (specific personnel training for safety, container compliance, truck equipment).
• Regulatory monitoring, implementation of action plans and compliance.
• Implementation of a simple and rapid identification of waste (sorting, risk, and transport signage).
The safety of people, a pillar of corporate culture
In addition to personal and collective protective equipment, chosen with criteria of impeccable efficiency and maximum comfort, CHIMIREC employees benefit from safety training.
In addition, since 2007, CHIMIREC has strengthened its action plans on site by developing information and prevention campaigns to protect the health and safety of its teams.
Quality-Safety-Environment managers ensure compliance with basic safety guidelines (port of PPE, congestion-free facilities for security, traceability of waste, etc.). They are also tasked with identifying and addressing potential risk situations.