CHIMIREC Canada: Business growth and positive results


The CHIMIREC Group has just obtained the renewal of its operating licence for its two largest facilities in the province of Quebec: Solva-Rec Environnement and FEC Technologie.  Specialists in the management of hazardous waste, particularly used oil, our Canadian sites are reporting results that exceed forecasts.

With its recognised expertise, CHIMIREC Canada has been able to take advantage of a buoyant economic context and increasingly strict environmental regulations. Its customers praise the professionalism of its teams and their ability to respond quickly to requests for quotes and to collect waste in compliance with traceability requirements. These are qualities that have enabled CHIMIREC Canada to seize new opportunities arising from an influx of waste that had to be managed urgently.

Works to manage growth


Against this backdrop, which strengthens our subsidiary's position in the Canadian market, the CHIMIREC Group has decided to undertake works to improve and expand its sites. They are designed to cope with the constant increase in waste flows, with the aim of reducing stocks so that work can be carried out in optimum conditions of safety and comfort for employees.
There are also plans to equip FEC Technologie with an additional contaminated water filtration system to enhance its performance and independence.
In addition, our 
Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) production project is still very much on track. Its implementation is closely linked to the needs of local cement manufacturers.




Location: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu - Quebec
Number of employees: 55

  • Transport and management of residual hazardous materials
  • Used oil collection
  • Parts washing service
  •  Environmental consulting service

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Location: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu - Quebec
Number of employees: 5


  • Used oil collection
  • Collection of residual hazardous materials

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Location: Magog - Quebec
Number of employees: 9

  • Transport and management of residual hazardous materials
  • Treatment of contaminated water
  • Industrial cleaning
  • Environmental consulting service


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Published : 2024-07-23

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